Monday, October 19, 2009

Piggy Bank Helper

I'm not sure how I found about extreme couponing.  I'm sure it was one of my endless nights of meaninglessly surfing the web.  However it happened, it sucked me quickly into the vortex of a coupon addiction.  I used to scoff when I heard that people would spend 200.00 on groceries and only pay 25.00.  Impossible.  With my family I spend 300.00 per week and could easily spend more if not careful.  There is no way this could be true.

Surprisingly people it is a reality.  After finding Southern Savers  and Coupon Mom  and scouring their blogs and sites I was hooked. I tested the Walgreens and CVS savings.  I am still using the original $7.00 that I spent at Walgreens about a month and a half ago.  I am stockpiling a small drugstore under my bathroom sink. 
I am a novice, but getting the hanG of things quickly.  I buy numerous Sunday papers and All of You Magazine at Wally World. My savings hasn't been as good as some areas because our local stores do not double coupons. However, I did get this good deal..

3 bags fresh express lettuce
2 dozen eggs
4 double packs of Betty Crocker instant microwave cakes
1 loaf of bread
1 gallon OJ
2 bags Chex Mix
1 package BC instant red potatoes
2 packages of Kebbler CC cookies

All for $10.00:) In this economy we need to learn how to stretch our money like silly putty!

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