Friday, March 5, 2010

Today was a great day.  I was alone.........went window shopping alone.  I am a loner.  I hate shopping with others.....except my kids and mom.  Don't do the girlfriend shopping thing, never did.  It bothers me.  I can do lunch fine, but shopping is my thing.  

First I drove Noah to school to Newberry and then went into the Flour Pot bakery in Tioga for an apple turnover, got that plus an artichoke, brie and gouda croissant.  OMG!!!

I went to the bead store and bought a ball of hemp and some pretty wood and bone beads for the girls to learn to macramé jewelry.  

Went to Hogtownne Music and put my sweet little Luna Ukulele on layaway.  I couldn't resist....she sounds so good and really is so beautiful.  That's why she's $229.99 and not 29.99 like the others they had there:)

Sam and I caught the noon show of Alice.  It was really good.  Johnny Depp played an awesome role as the mad hatter.  He's a little nutty anyways I think.  

Went to TJ Maxx and put some outfits on layaway for our Charleston trip in a few weeks.  I get to see my mom and counting the get to try out my mom's lady bug wheel. 

Then went to the Great Outdoors for dinner and listened to the live band that was playing there.  

Today was great, but now I am whipped and ready for bed.

1 comment:

  1. I see you have already fallen off the wagon with the shopping thing...way to be!!!
