Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sons of Anarchy

Before we left for Mass. I wanted to buy a tv series to watch on the train.  I remember seeing previews for SOA when it came out a few years ago and wanting to watch it, but forgot about it because I really don't watch that much tv.  So before we left I watched the first three episodes from Netflix got sucked in, and ordered the rest of season one on Itunes because I couldn't wait.  It was sooo good that by the time we pulled into Penn Station in New York (they have free Wifi), I was frantically pulling out my Macbook to download season 2 before the next train left for Boston.  In fact, I didn't even knit on the train...just watched SOA.

Now my friends at work tease me that my type of guy looks like they have Hep. C.  That's a bunch of nurses for you.  Not every long haired, tattooed, biker man is infectious girls.  But this look is my type of guy.  Sam is not tatted up, does not have long hair, but he is far from the clean cut look that does nothing for me.  He's got a long beard, burley, and a rugged look which I love.

 Anyways, back to the Sons.  This show is awesome.  I have become a little obsessed, if that's what you want to call a 40 something year old woman that has downloaded every song and episode from the show, plus the Iphone application.  Someone that reads every interview, looks at pictures, even re-watches favorite episodes.  Yikes...I am scaring myself.  I have even managed to suck my daughter, son and Sam into the vortex.  However, I don't think Sam is fantasizing about biker dudes with long hair....however, there are sexy chicks in the show.

The show is on FX.  It's about an outlaw mc in California that is bad, but good.  Katie Sagal rocks as the mom and matriarch of the family.  She is bad ass, but loves her family.  Only two more episodes left from season three.  I have no earthly idea how I will manage until fall....sniff, sniff.

  Check out this pure awesomeness:)

Netflix does have Season 1 and 2.  If you watch it and also get sucked into the vortex, season three can be purchased from Itunes and Amazon.  Please be warned....after you finish season 3, it will be cold turkey withdrawls until next year.  You may have to go to rehab.

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