Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Neglected but not forgotten

This poor little blog has been extremely neglected; however, things in my life are settling down a bit and blogging on a regular basis  may be possible again.  Well the much needed, dreaded move is finished. Whew...I am to old for that mess.  The next move will be out of state back to New England.  I can't wait.  Everything I love is there.  The culture, the houses, the smell of fall leaves, the snow....and of course my parent's.  Not to mention beaucoup yarn stores, festivals, the ability to state hop, drivability to NYC, etc.   The girls and I will be flying up there in October (best time of the year:)  to visit my parent's and go to Rhinebeck, NY for the big Sheep and Wool festival.  Abby is going to take a tour of CIA  while we are in NY because that's the school she wants to go to.   We'll do some Boston sight seeing, of course Salem (where my parent's live), and maybe drive to the White Mountains in New Hampshire.   Counting down the days!

Well Abby and I had our first small honey harvest on Sunday.  We actually only took 6 frames out of a shallow super and got 24 8 ounce jars and two large mason jars of honey.  I couldn't believe it!!  It went smoothly.  We didn't even use any chemicals to drive the bees down.  Just brushed them off and loaded the capped honey frames into a rubber made tote, then drove back to the honey house (which happens to be our enclosed back porch:)

 Since I don't have a fancy extractor, we did the crush and strain method that worked wonderfully.  I have a large plate full of beeswax that I am going to melt outside in a redneck solar wax melter and use for either candles or lipgloss.  Probably both.  Even Addy was helping at the end with the beeswax.

 Boy did she love the honey!